Tuesday, 04 March 2025

Faculty Position

Teacher Recruitment:

     The Department of Astronomy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University invites scientists working in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics at home and abroad to apply for the position of the long-term professor of the center. The position requires the applicant to independently conduct research projects after the inauguration, to guide graduate students, doctoral students, and to assist in the development of astrophysics courses for students of the School of Physics and Astronomy. We welcome applicants of all nationalities. The school provides internationally competitive personal treatment and research start-up funding. As China is undertaking a number of large-scale observation projects, the Center particularly welcomes applicants with observational experience.
    The Department of Astronomy is currently involved in several international collaborative observation projects, including: SDSS-IV, HyperSuprimeCam Deep Survey (HSC-Deep), DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS), SKA, and more. A number of public astronomical data are also widely used by members of the Center, including: PanSTARRs, COSMOS, UKIDSS, Planck, and so on. Other observational resources include: CFHT, MMT, Magellan, Palomar Hale, JCMT, and China's domestic astronomical observation facility (LAMOST). In terms of numerical calculation, Shanghai Jiaotong University has a supercomputer with 5000 CPU core. Astronomical members can also use other supercomputing resources in China.


Application information:

     Applicants are required to submit a resume (including research results), a research plan, and three letters of recommendation to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For related questions, please contact Professor Jing Yipeng (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).