Title: The power of modest-resolution stellar spectroscopic surveys
Speaker: Maosheng Xiang
Abstract: Accurate and precise determination of stellar properties is the foundation of a wide range of astronomical and astrophysical objectives, from detecting and characterizing exoplanets, understanding stellar evolution, to revealing the structure and formation history of our Galaxy. Stellar spectra can provide the most detailed physical information about stars. Particularly, recent large-scale stellar spectroscopic surveys have demonstrated that spectra with modest resolution (R~50 to ~5000) can effectively deliver a wealth of stellar physical information, making it an efficient way to achieve the aforementioned broad scientific goals. In this talk i will talk about some basic aspects on the power of stellar spectra from large surveys with modest resolution, such as what physical information can we learn from modest-resolution spectra? What is the recent progress in understanding the strcuture formation history of our Galaxy based on large surveys like LAMOST and Gaia? And I will discuss what challenges still exist in current modest-resolution stellar spectroscopy, and what insights can be gained for the future spectroscopic surveys.
Bio: Dr. Maosheng Xiang is a research professor at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC). He obtained a PhD in Astrophysics from Peking Univeristy in 2015, and before that he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy from Beijing Normal University. He then worked as postdoc fellow in NAOC (2015-2018) and Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy (2018-2022), and joined NAOC as a faculty member from 2022. He is has extensive research experience in spectroscopic survey, big-data astronomy, stellar physics, and Milky Way strcuture and evolution. He is the author of over a hundred research papers in these fields. His research work were selected as Top 10 annual research advance in Chinese astronomical technology; Top 10 International Science and Technology News of the Year by CCTV.
Time: 14:00-15:00, 4/Dec, Wednesday
Venue: Room 506 (Large seminar room), Department of Astronomy
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