Friday, 18 October 2024

【DoA Colloquium】October 16th by Bin Hu

10.16.2024 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm


TitleMOST 1.93m telescope and transient lensing: glQSO, glSN, glGW

Speaker: Bin Hu


AbstractTransient lensing is a promising phenomenon for the time-domain cosmology era. Compared with the static lensing observation, transient lensing can provide us time delay measurement which directly reflect the gravitational potential instead of the gradient of the potential. However, different sources of transient lensing systems have their own pros and cons. In this talk, I will introduce our recent efforts on observing glQSO time delays, glSN simulations and glGW searchings. For glQSO monitoring, I will introduce the Muztagh-Ata 1.93-meter Synergy Telescope (MOST), which is an optical telescope currently under construction through a collaboration between Beijing Normal University, the Xinjiang Observatory, the Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, and Xinjiang University. It is equipped with three-band simultaneous photometry (Sloan g, r, i) and medium-resolution (f/8 = 5000) spectroscopy, making it ideal for precise follow-up observations and time-domain monitoring. 


Bio: Bin Hu is a professor in astronomy at Beijing Normal University. He got PhD degree in the institute of theoretical physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2011. Then, he moved to Padova University, Leiden University and Barcelona University as post-doc fellow. His research interests covers various aspects in cosmology. 


Time: 13:30-14:30, 16/Oct, Wednesday

Venue: Room 506 (Large seminar room), Department of Astronomy