Biographical Sketch:
2012.12 - Present Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2005.09-2015.09 Researcher, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China
2003.09-2005.09 Postdoc, University of Massachusetts, USA
2002.09-2003.09 Lecturer, University of Science and Technology, China
2001.06-2002.06 Visiting scholar, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany
1997.09-2002.08 Ph.D., University of Science and Technology, China
1993.09-1997.07 Bachelor, University of Science and Technology, China
Selected Publications:
1. Halo Properties and Mass Functions of Groups/Clusters from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR9, Wang, J., Yang, X., Zhang, J., Li, H., Fong, M., Xu, H., He, M., Gu, Y., Luo, W., Dong, F., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Katsianis, A., Wang, H., Shen, Z., Alonso Vaquero, P., Liu, C., Huang, Y., & Liu, Z., ApJ, (2022), 936, 161
2. The Observed Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density Has an Evolution that Resembles a Γ(a, bt) Distribution and Can Be Described Successfully by Only Two Parameters, Katsianis, A., Yang, X., & Zheng, X., ApJ, (2021), 919, 88
3. An Extended Halo-based Group/Cluster Finder: Application to the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR8, Yang, X., Xu, H., He, M., Gu, Y., Katsianis, A., Meng, J., Shi, F., Zou, H., Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Z., Dong, F., Lu, Y., Li, Q., Chen, Y., Wang, H., Mo, H., Fu, J., Guo, H., Leauthaud, A., Luo, Y., Zhang, J., & Zu, Y., ApJ, (2021), 909, 143
4. New perspectives on the BOSS small-scale lensing discrepancy for the Planck ΛCDM cosmology, Lange, J. U., Yang, X., Guo, H., Luo, W., & van den Bosch, F. C., MNRAS, (2019), 488, 5771-5787
5. Accurate Modeling of the Projected Galaxy Clustering in Photometric Surveys. I. Tests with Mock Catalogs, Wang, Z., Xu, H., Yang, X., Jing, Y. P., Guo, H., Zheng, Z., Zu, Y., Li, Z., & Liu, C., ApJ, (2019), 879, 71
6. Evolution of Star-forming Galaxies from z = 0.7 to 1.2 with eBOSS Emission-line Galaxies, Guo, H., Yang, X., Raichoor, A., Zheng, Z., Comparat, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Kneib, J.-P., Schneider, D. P., Bizyaev, D., Oravetz, D., Oravetz, A., & Pan, K., ApJ, (2019), 871, 147
7. Galaxy-Galaxy Weak-lensing Measurements from SDSS. II. Host Halo Properties of Galaxy Groups, Luo, W., Yang, X., Lu, T., Shi, F., Zhang, J., Mo, H. J., Shu, C., Fu, L., Radovich, M., Zhang, J., Li, N., Sunayama, T., & Wang, L., ApJ, (2018), 862, 4
8. Mapping the Real Space Distributions of Galaxies in SDSS DR7. II. Measuring the Growth Rate, Clustering Amplitude of Matter, and Biases of Galaxies at Redshift 0.1, Shi, F., Yang, X., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Mo, H. J., van den Bosch, F. C., Luo, W., Tweed, D., Li, S., Liu, C., Lu, Y., & Yang, L., ApJ, (2018), 861, 137
9. ELUCID. V. Lighting Dark Matter Halos with Galaxies, Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., Liu, C., Lu, T., Li, S., Shi, F., Jing, Y. P., Mo, H. J., van den Bosch, F. C., Kang, X., Cui, W., Guo, H., Li, G., Lim, S. H., Lu, Y., Luo, W., Wei, C., & Yang, L., ApJ, (2018), 860, 30
10. Revealing the Cosmic Web-dependent Halo Bias, Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Lu, T., Wang, H., Shi, F., Tweed, D., Li, S., Luo, W., Lu, Y., & Yang, L., ApJ, (2017), 848, 60