2024年4月28日, 星期日

Astronomy Colloquium (11.13/2020):Tracing Milky Way and globular cluster evolution with chemistry

11.13.2020 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Title: Tracing Milky Way and globular cluster evolution with chemistry
Speaker: Baitian Tang(汤柏添)
Abstract: As stars evolve in different kinds of environment, they may experience complicated dynamical processes due to the changing background potential. On the other hand, chemistry is more predictable, and thus crucial in tracing the evolution of stellar systems. In this talk, I will present our efforts in investigating Milky Way and globular cluster evolution using chemically peculiar stars.
2003/09-2007/06 南京大学天文系,学士学位
2007/09-2010/06  南京大学天文系,硕士学位
2010/08-2015/05  华盛顿州立大学物理与天文系,博士学位
2015/10-2017/09 智利康塞普西翁大学天文系,BASAL项目博士后
2017/10至今  中山大学物理与天文学院,副教授
个人研究兴趣主要是利用恒星在光学及近红外波段发出的光线来了解恒星集团(包括星团、银河系及河外星系)的演化。至今已在ApJ, MNRAS, A&A等知名天文杂志发表文章50余篇,引用1500余次。主持国家自然科学基金一项。

Time: 14:00-15:00, 13/November, Friday

Venue: Room 508 (large seminar room), Department of Astronomy