2024年5月05日, 星期日

Astronomy Colloquium (17.11/2021):Modeling Binary Evolution

11.17.2021 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Title: Modeling Binary Evolution 

Speaker: Xuefei Chen(陈雪飞)


More than half of the stars are in binaries. Understanding the physics of binary evolution is crucial for modern astrophysics, as binaries play a crucial role in many aspects, e.g. supernova explosion, double compact objects, X-ray binaries, binary millisecond pulsars, the UV/X-ray radiation in galaxies, measuring the universe's expansion, providing ionizing photons for the cosmic re-ionization. In my talk, I will review the progress in modelling binary evolution, including the problems of non-conservative mass transfer, dynamical mass transfer and common envelope evolution. Those problems are fundamental and long-standing. The progress in solving those problems impacts the study of the formation of Type Ia supernovae, double black holes and double white dwarfs, for which I will briefly discuss. I will also review the studies on binary fraction and statistical properties of binary populations, which are essential inputs for binary population synthesis and can also constrain the theory of star formation in some way. The population studies are based on large surveys or high-resolution spectroscopic observations with large telescopes.  

Bio: Xuefei Chen (Yunnan Observatories, CAS) 

Xuefei Chen, Professor and deputy director of the Yunnan Observatories, specializes in the study of binary evolution and formation of exotic objects. She presented some fundamental relations for stellar evolution and binary evolution, and devised the formation models for eclipsing millisecond pulsars, double degenerates, blue stragglers and etc.. She was selected for China’s Ten Thousand Talents Program as a leading researcher in 2018 and for a National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars grant in 2021. She is a member of the IAU Stellar Evolution Commission Organizing Committee (G3) (2021-2024). 


Time:10:00-11:00AM, 17/November, Wednesday
Meeting ID: 831 4360 9634
Passcode: 436377
Joining Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83143609634?pwd=K0tQcERUTzBldHp0emE0b

Video Link:https://vshare.sjtu.edu.cn/play/c73812c0e92be772d9d7bae3b36e72c2