2024年5月02日, 星期四

Astronomy Colloquium (3.1/2021):Mergers of dwarf galaxies

03.01.2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Title: Mergers of dwarf galaxies

Speaker: Hongxin Zhang


Abstract: Galaxies grow through accretion from the cosmic web and galaxy-galaxy mergers. Mergers of galaxies with comparable masses (i.e. major mergers) are the most violent processes that change galaxy evolution in relatively short timescales. A popular view is that gas-rich major mergers can induce significant gas inflow and trigger intense centralized starburst activities, and lead to the formation of elliptical galaxies or new disk galaxies with remarkable bulge components. There are many excellent observational evidences for this scenario for massive galaxies, but It remains unclear whether it also applies to dwarf mergers, partly due to the challenges of identifying merging signatures in intrinsically irregular late-type dwarf galaxies. In this talk, I will report a thorough study of a confirmed gas-rich major merger of dwarf galaxies and try to draw some tentative conclusions for dwarf mergers in general. I will also briefly introduce a recently-initiated VLA HI survey of a sample of gas-rich dwarf mergers.


Time:14:00-15:00, 1/March, Monday

Meeting ID: 831 4360 9634

Passcode: 436377

Joining Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83143609634?pwd=K0tQcERUTzBldHp0emE0bEt3azNsQT09