2025年3月07日, 星期五

【DoA Colloquium】March 27th by Guangxing Li

03.27.2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Title: Star formation — Exploring new dimensions 

Speaker: Guangxing Li 

Abstract: The process leading to the formation of stars is among the most complex studied by astronomers to date. I discuss several recent progresses: Kinematic information. Data from the Gaia satellite have enabled us to map the gas with unprecedented details. Using Gaia data, we provide a vivid picture of the structure evolution of the Milky Way disk where the effect of shear, stellar feedback and can be studied. Computational approach. The star-forming clouds have complex structures, and I will discuss how modern computational methods can quantify the structure of clouds and reveal the role of gravity and tides. Analytical models. The most accurate way to describe natural phenomena is through analytical models. I introduce a new model that describes modifications to stellar mass in non-stationary conditions, which explains the formation of massive stars in the universe. 

Bio: Dr. Guang-Xing Li is an associate professor at Yunnan University. He was Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Munich (2014-2018), PhD of Astrophysics at Max-Planck Institute of Radio Astronomy (2010-2014), Master of Astrophysics at University of Science and Technology of China (2007-2010). Bachelor of Electronics Engineering and Computer Sciences at Peking University (2003-2007). His research interest is to understand dynamical processes in astrophysical systems using observational data, simulations and analytical approaches. 


Time: 14:00-15:00PM, 27/Mar, Wednesday 

Venue: Room 508 (large seminar room), Department of Astronomy 


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