Title: Constraints on the spacetime variation of the fine-structure constant using emission-line galaxies
Speaker: Linhua Jiang
Abstract: The Standard Model of particle physics assumes that fundamental physical constants, including the fine-structure constant alpha, are universal and constant. On the other hand, modern theories beyond the Standard Model predict or even require the variation of the fundamental constants. Recently, we developed a new method to probe the variation in alpha using narrow and strong [O III] emitting galaxies from massive spectroscopic samples. This method has a great potential to improve the current constraint on the alpha variation by more than two orders of magnitude. We have applied the new method to the DESI and JWST galaxies. I will summarize our recent progress and introduce the plan of our future experiments.
Bio: Linhua Jiang is a Boya distinguished professor at Peking University. He obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Peking University, and obtained his Ph.D. degree from University of Arizona in 2008. He joined Peking University as a faculty member in 2014. Professor Jiang has a broad range of research interests in extragalactic astronomy, including quasars, galaxies, and cosmic reionization. His work also probes fundamental physics with astrophysical observations.
Time: 14:00-15:00PM, 22/May, Wednesday
Venue: Room 508 (large seminar room), Department of Astronomy
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