1.Y. Zu, R. Mandelbaum, M. Simet, E. Rozo, and E. S. Ryko . On the Level of Cluster Assembly Bias in SDSS. MNRAS, 470, 551, 2017.
2.Y. Zu and R. Mandelbaum. Mapping stellar content to dark matter halos - III.Environmental dependence and conformity of galaxy colours, arXiv:1703.09219, MNRAS accepted, 2017.
3.R. Mandelbaum, W. Wang, Y. Zu, S. White, B. Henriques, and S. More. Strong bimodality in the host halo mass of central galaxies from galaxy-galaxy lensing. MNRAS, 457, 2016.
4.Y. Zu and R. Mandelbaum. Mapping stellar content to dark matter haloes - II. Halo mass is the main driver of galaxy quenching. MNRAS, 457:4360–4383, 2016.
5.Y. Zu, C. S. Kochanek, S. Kozłowski, and B. M. Peterson. Application of Stochastic Modeling to Analysis of Photometric Reverberation Mapping Data. ApJ, 819:122, 2016.